Welcome to Los Olivos Retreats
An inclusive Christian ministry offering residential retreats and pilgrimages, as well as online spiritual resources.
Los Olivos Retreats builds on the vision and ministry of Hacienda Los Olivos, which began in 2010 in the Sierra Nevada mountains (Andalusia), and which in 2019 moved from its original spiritual home to other equally stunning locations in Spain and England.
Los Olivos is a generous space to explore the intersections between Christian spirituality, ecology and the arts, as a way to go deeper into the Way of Love taught and embodied by Jesus of Nazareth.
At present Los Olivos has no scheduled residential retreats, but you can check our online retreats and courses by clicking the links above. To keep up to date with our news and future events, please, sign up for the Los Olivos Newsletter.
You can also take a look at our new venture for 2024 - Costa del Soul Café, a series of podcasts reflecting on contemporary culture and current issues in conversation with faith, spirituality and the arts.